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Dr. Yulia Tolstikov-Mast


Yulia Tolstikov-Mast

Dr. Yulia Tolstikov-Mast, Ph.D. is a Global Leadership Scholar, Doctoral Education Innovator, Consultant, and Author. Originally from Russia, she relocated to the United States about 25 years ago. In academia, Yulia has worked with international students and taught college English and Russian as a Second Language in Russia; and coordinated experiential learning activities at Butler University College of Business as well as taught a range of communication, management, marketing and international business courses in Memphis, Ohio, and Indiana. Yulia was a Founding Faculty and later, an Associated Professor and Lead Faculty, at the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program (Indiana Tech) where she designed global learning opportunities for a doctoral curriculum, created an innovative international leadership research course, coordinated residencies and curriculum reviews, and was awarded the Faculty of the Year for mentoring doctoral students. Dr. Tolstikov-Mast is the Global Mindset Inventory Certified Facilitator (GMI) and published Global Mindset development case studies. Yulia has an extensive business development background working for a first global company in the South of Russia or entrepreneurial companies in the USA. As an international consultant, Yulia does training and coaching in Global Mindset, global leadership, Russian business class, international professional communication, and organizational culture of multinationals. She has a long-standing connection to the International Center of Indiana where she has been contributing to a range of training activities since 2008, including their signature program, Leadership Across Cultures. Yulia has B. A. in Linguistics (Rostov State Pedagogical University), M.A. in Professional Communication (Purdue University), and Ph.D. in Communication (The University of Memphis). Yulia loves traveling with her husband and their teenagers, hiking, attending art events, reading and training in taekwondo and Muay Thai. 


Scholarship in Progress

Tolstikov-Mast, Y., Walker, J., & Bieri, F. (Eds.) Handbook of International Leadership Research. (expected publication September 2021).

Walker, J. L., & Tolstikov-Mast, Y. V. (In Press 2020). International immersions for graduate students of global leadership. In Perruci, G. (Ed.), The Study and Practice of Global Leadership. Emerald.

Meares, M., Tolstikov-Mast, Y., Bean, H., Gibbons, A., & du Luque, M. S. (expected 2021). Chapter 8. Organizational and national culture: Purposes, functions, and levels. In J. Keyton (Ed.). Culture 2.0: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of National and Organizational Culture.

Tolstikov-Mast, Y., Gibbons, A., & Meares, M. (expected 2021). Chapter 2. Applications of research on national and organizational culture. In J. Keyton (Ed.). Culture 2.0: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of National and Organizational Culture.

Tolstikov-Mast, Y. Courageous bi-cultural women-leaders: Recognizing collective trauma, redefining relationship with a native Land, and continuing a culture learning journey. (expected 2021). In J. Moss Breen, M. van der Steege, S. Martin, J. Glick-Smith., & R. Elkington (Eds.), Women Courageous. Emerald


Publications & Presentations

Kirby, E., Tolstikov-Mast, Y., & Walker, J. L. (2020).  Retention challenges for Indigenous Peruvian college students on Beca 18 scholarship and strategies to improve their experiences and academic success. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. DOI: 10.1080/15595692.2020.1740980

Tolstikov-Mast, Y., Bieri, F., Walker, J., Wireman, A., &. Vaiman, V. (2018). Global leadership field and doctoral education: Advancing the discipline through a targeted curriculum. In J. S. Osland, M. E. Mendenhall, & L. Ming (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership (Vol. 11, pp. 313 – 343). Emerald

Tolstikov-Mast, Y. (2016). Global followership: The launch of the scholarly journey. In J. S. Osland, M. Li, & Y. Want (Eds.), Advances in Global Leadership (Vol. 9, pp. 109-150). Emerald.
Tolstokov-Mast, Y. (2014).  Followership in Russia: Understanding traditions and exploring meanings of current reality. Journal of Leadership Education, 13(4), 100-110. doi:10.12806/v13I14/C11

Littrell, R.F, Puffer, S. M., McCarthy, D. J., Dorfman, P., Tolstikov-Mast, Y., & Sarahanova, N. (October 2014). Russian leadership: Is it evolving toward more international styles? Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1, 13201-13201. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.13201sym


Research Interests

Current research interests are:

  • Global Leadership
  • Global Followership
  • Russian Followership
  • Organizational Culture of Global Organizations
  • International Professional Communication
  • International Research



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